About 20 years ago I got my first computer.  I connected my dial-up internet, pulled up my first web page–and, like the rest of the world, was completely hooked!

The idea that this box on my desk could actually connect me to people from all corners of the earth was wonderful.

But what I found really fascinating was how to make money with a computer doing something you love!

Unfortunately, as a single mom with 2 daughters and working a swing shift, pressure filled job, I never was successful at pursuing those interests. Then I got a little older and started thinking about retiring early, traveling, and having time to spend with my grandchildren.

So I pulled out my laptop, researched all the different ways to earn money online, and found the one that I knew would work for me-Affiliate Marketing!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Have you ever been reading an article that you found online and then clicked on a link that took you to a retailer’s website where you can buy a product? If so, you’ve experienced affiliate marketing!

The retailer has made an arrangement with the website owner to pay a commission for any products bought by a referral from the website. There’s no selling, producing, or shipping products involved, just a referral from your site to theirs!What is affiliate marketing

There are many affiliate programs out there for nearly every type of product on the market. Commissions run from a typical 5%-10% all the way up to 85%, and most retailers keep your link on file for anywhere from a few days to 2 months.

This means that even if a customer doesn’t purchase a product on their initial visit to the retailer’s website, you will still get a commission if they purchase during a subsequent visit during that time frame.

==>  Get my Proven 5 Step Plan To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing  <==

Creating A Website–It’s Easier Than Ever!

One of the challenges that I faced when computers first came out was not having the ability to easily create my own website. I wasn’t a programmer, and I didn’t have the money to hire someone to spend hours writing HTML code and meta tags (who understood those really?!)

But now things are very different, and you can create a website in literally less than 3 minutes!  This is not just any website–it’s a powerful, secure WordPress website.

See just how easy it is for you to have a working website up and running by viewing this short video:


The program used in the video is  Wealthy Affiliate, a community based platform designed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers.

Their website hosting platform is world-class and secure, and you get all the powerful WYou can create a website ordPress features that enable you to easily create a high quality website.

You can read about all of the wonderful features at Who Has The Best Website Hosting Services For Your Online Business?

When I found Wealthy Affiliate and used it to host my first website, I realized that there was so much more to this program.

They have nearly 1,000,000 members worldwide, thousands of training modules, and a platform that is set up to encourage and reward members who offer help, feedback, and assistance.

In fact, the community of marketers is one of the very best features for any beginning affiliate marketer!  It’s extremely active, and everyone is willing to share their knowledge and experience.

Wealthy Affiliate’s FREE starter membership includes access to 2 training classrooms, Phase 1 of their Online Entrepreneur Certification training, live help, and 1-on-1 coaching.  Plus, you can also create TWO websites, and all of this is available to you without even putting down a credit card!

The live help and 1-on-1 coaching are available for 7 days, but you can still access and work on your websites as long as you want–still without paying a penny.

==>==>  See the legitimate program where I learned to make money online  <==<==

***Update:  Wealthy Affiliate has added an SSL certification to every free website, which means that your site will be encrypted and secure for your visitors–still at no cost!

There is also a premium membership available for those who want the full training and the ability to own your own domains (like me!).

With this package you receive all 12 training classrooms, their entire Online Entrepreneur Certification training, their website security package, up to 50 websites, and more…all for just $49 a month!

Pretty amazing when you think that people have paid hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of dollars for someone to build them a website.

But I’m Not An Author!

How often do you talk to someone about a hobby or interest that you like? Let’s take golf for an example, I’ll bet just a few of the topics you and your golf buddies talk about are:

Talking to your audience

  • What golf course is your favorite
  • The brands of clubs do you like
  • The best way to get out of a sand trap
  • What clubs you use for each step of the course
  • How do you judge factors like the wind
  • Different types of tournament play that you’ve been in

For a golfing enthusiast, this list could easily top 100 topics, with each of them being 1 or more posts on your website.

You don’t have to be an author to write a great post, you just have to TALK to your audience. In other words, you just write about your topic the same way you’d explain it to someone who was standing on a golf course with you.

In fact, when I first started writing posts for my first website, I used Google Voice Typing so that I could just talk about my topic.  That helped me develop what I wanted to say more naturally!

Again, Wealthy Affiliate has you covered with their platform on site content. They have templates you can use to help construct your post, a grammar, punctuation and spelling checker, and hundreds of training modules to use as a guide.

Then, if you like, you can submit any pages or posts on the community platform and get feedback from other affiliate marketers. Anyone who can communicate with others can create a successful, money-making website!

How Do I Find Affiliate Programs To Sign Up With?

Affiliate programs will be the backbone of monetizing your site. Amazon has one of the largest and most popular affiliate programs in the world, and you can link to any product they sell to earn a commission.

To use our golf example again, Amazon has over 370,000 items on their website related to golf!  So you will have plenty of products to choose from to start earning commissions no matter what your niche is.

You can do an online search for affiliate programs in your niche and sign up for any of them that have products or services that you would like to promote.  To find more programs for a golf niche, you can search for “golf + affiliate programs”.

There are also affiliate networks available to you that host programs from hundreds of companies. Choose an interest or hobby and do a little online searching–I guarantee you’ll find affiliate programs that will relate!

==>==>  Is your dream job to work at home and make money online? You can do it here!  <==<==

Don’t Let Anything Stop You!

Many years ago, I let the challenges of creating a website stop me from developing a very lucrative income in affiliate marketing. Lucky for me, those who took that challenge and made a success with it are now sharing how easy it is with others.

So if you’re looking for how to make money with a computer, don’t let any challenges stop you! Look no further than the wealth of knowledge and information, along with the support and feedback, from an entire community of affiliate marketers just like you.

Make your mark in the online world sharing information about something you love!

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