For years, I wanted to work at home and be with my family more, but it always eluded me for one reason or another. My goal was simple–learn how to find my passion and make it my job.

Due to various circumstances in my life, that goal took me 20 years to achieve. Was it worth it? Definitely!

Do you want to enjoy your passion AND make money? Then you’ll want to keep reading below!

Why Choose Something You’re Passionate About?

For several years, I was a single mom and worked at a high pressure manufacturing job to support myself and my 2 daughters. After I married my husband and we were trying to blend our 2 families, it became difficult for both of us to have demanding jobs.

So I quit my job and stayed home for a couple of years until my oldest daughter graduated from college. But I wanted to help contribute to my family financially and started looking for a job where I could earn money and still be there for my family.
Hotel Clerk

I got a rude awakening about how hard it was to find something that had convenient hours that worked around kid’s school schedules and paid a decent wage.

So I ended up working as a hotel front desk clerk part time for minimum wage. While I loved interacting with the guests, there was a lot about the position that made me dread going to work.

I believe lot of people are like me, they didn’t choose their job because they’re passionate about what they would be doing. They chose it because it met their basic financial needs.

But there’s a lot more to being satisfied with your job than how much money you make. Things like:

  • How appreciated (or unappreciated!) you feel by your boss
  • Whether or not you enjoy the tasks that your job entails
  • Your work schedule and how many hours you put in
  • The work ethic and attitudes of your co-workers
  • Deadlines and pressures from upper management
  • Customer service issues, and so on….

The fact is that making money alone is not enough to ensure we’re satisfied and happy with how we make a living. So the end result is people who dread going to work every day.

But now, I want you to think about how much different you’d feel if you made money with your own business doing something you love!

No more trading your time for the dollar amount that someone else thinks it’s worth. No more dealing with other people having total control of your priorities, schedules, and job tasks.

You wake up in the morning knowing that when you head to work, you’re going to be doing something that you’re passionate about and that makes you happy!

That’s what I’ve found in my business, and if that sounds good to you, keep reading!

==>  See the legitimate program where I learned to make money online  <==

Skills And Interests–Find The Right Combination

In order to ensure that you start a business that is going to really give you what you’re looking for, you have to find the right combination of what you love to do and your skills and abilities.
Skills Graphic

Even if you’re a true optimist like me, the reality is that we won’t always have the skills necessary to make a success at everything we’d love to do.

I absolutely love to sing (my rendition of Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock n Roll” in my shower is legendary) However, my college roommate would definitely testify that the only real singing ability I have is to clear a room in record time!

So, matching your skills to your dreams is going to give you the best results. The great thing is that there can be multiple ways to make money with any interest you may have!

Find Your Passion

Right off the bat, you need to make a list of things that you have a great interest in or love doing. A great place to start is by thinking of what things you like doing around the house and listing your hobbies.

Do you like woodworking? gardening? tinkering with motorcycles or cars? dreaming about winning Flea Market Flip?

These are the best places to find the kind of money-making job that you’d love to do!

Your Skill and Abilities

Now think about the reality of what you’re really able to do. By that I mean things such as your physical ability and your talents.

An example is my love for gardening. I have a great garden and have thought many times about growing enough produce to sell it at farmer’s markets and make money.

But the reality is that I’ve got skin that’s very sun sensitive and have already had a couple of spots identified as skin cancer taken off. My time in the sun needs to be minimized, so commercial gardening is out for me!

Another example for me is painting. My mother-in-law loves to paint as a hobby and is very good. I know that there’s definitely money-making potential with what she’s doing, and I love it.

However, my painting skill is on par with my singing skill, so I’ll just have to settle with admiring her work instead of trying to create my own!

Hopefully I’ve got your mind energized thinking about all the things you love to do. So check out the next step!

Turning Your Vision Into $$$$

No matter how much you love to do something, it’s not practical to think you can just start making money with it and support your family. You don’t have to!

Roll of MoneyYou can start your business as a side hustle while you’re still working your regular job. Many new entrepreneurs start small and build up until it’s a profitable way to make a living.

If you’re looking to retire early or have another stream of income to take into retirement, starting a side hustle now can be just what you’re looking for!

Suppose your passion is photography, and you’d like to start a business earning money from your photographs. You can create prints of your work to sell online, at local galleries, or at flea markets.

This would be a terrific side hustle that you could grow over time into a very lucrative business.

Maybe you have a knack for fixing small appliances or know how to fine tune a motorcycle to run like a champ. Any of these could be successfully started as a side hustle and built into a full time income stream.

Check out our video on why you should start a side hustle today!


Any Passion Can Become An Online Business

But what if you don’t have the ability to turn what you love to do into a money-making business? Maybe that’s due to lack of space, or physical constraints, or because your passion is something like….. astrology!
Man on Laptop

That’s not a problem, because anything that you’re passionate about can become your niche for an online business! In fact, that is exactly what I chose, and I’m now an online entrepreneur with 6 websites.

My passion has always been my dogs, so I started a website reviewing orthopedic dog beds that earns income through affiliate marketing. Whenever someone reads my blog posts and purchases something from a retailer through one of my links, I make a commission!

The great thing about affiliate marketing is that any niche can make money–many marketers earn $100,000+. So you can earn money at home online teaching and informing people about topics and products that you love!

If you think an online business could be right for you, then you’ll want to check out the program where I learned everything I know about making money online.

It’s Wealthy Affiliate, and in addition to step-by-step instructions and the ability to create 10 websites, they have an awesome community of marketers that you have access to 24/7.

You can create your first website and get the first 10 lessons completely free of charge–they don’t even ask for a credit card. If you want more info on their complete program, check out my full review!

How To Find My Passion And Make Money–You Can Do It!

Anyone can stop trading their time for money and start earning an income doing something that they love to do.

All you need to do is realistically look at your interests and abilities. Then you can begin your business by starting small with a side hustle and expanding it to earn as much money as you’d like!

What is your hobby or passion? Tell us how you can earn money from doing what you love in the comments below!

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