Everyone wants to know how to earn money online NOW! There’s no end to the number of scam programs out there that will tell you all you have to do is buy their system to make thousands of dollars every month.
But making money online is not very different from starting a brick and mortar business. You have to put in the time and effort to build your online business before you start seeing profits!
Realistic expectations of how much time and effort you need to put in will vary with everyone. In fact, I had so many questions about how long it takes to make money that I wrote a blog about it. To see a realistic timeline, you can read How Long Does It Take To Start Making Money With Affiliate Marketing?
But one of the owners and creators of my #1 rated program wrote an excellent article a few months ago that explained the expectations of online revenue and why people fail. Kyle, along with his partner Carson, created the Wealthy Affiliate program in 2005, and they have the most comprehensive platform for online entrepreneurs out there today.
You can read Kyle’s post by clicking on the image below, and it will give you a good understanding of how you need to look at starting an online business in order to be successful!
Wealthy Affiliate is my highest recommended program for very good reason–it works! I currently have 6 websites hosted there and started my online affiliate marketing business as a beginner.
In addition to the world-class website hosting, there are thousands of training modules, weekly live training, live chat, a wonderful community of marketers to support you, and much, much more. The best part? Their starter membership includes 2 free websites with training and there’s no credit card required!
My full Wealthy Affiliate review explains all the features in detail, as well as what’s included with each membership. If you’re ready to see how easy it is to start your own online business, you can create your first website below!
Hi Janelle, I started a motivation to stop addiction site to first and foremost help people stop their addictions, the second was making enough money to fulfill one of my mother’s life long dreams. I’ve learned after being an affiliate marketer it’s not easy and have fallen for scam after scam wasting money not earning money. Wealthy Affiliate is a top-notch program for any serious about becoming an affiliate marketer. Start today with Janelle!
So glad you found Wealthy Affiliate and are having the same great experience that I have. It must be very fulfilling to have a site like your stop addiction site. I wish you all the success in the world with it so you can fulfill your mother’s dream!
Earning online is a mirage to so many, and I can’t blame people who sees it this way. The are a lot of scams online and I was a victim. Now, I’m on the right path with wealthy affiliate and I must confess it’s being so great so far, the community is so helpful and It’s capable of turning a newbie in online marketing to a pro.
I was taken by scams myself because I believed there was fast, easy money to be made online. After all, there’s a whole lot of people saying it’s true, and it’s hard to believe they can just get away with lying. So glad you’re having the same experience that I had when I started with Wealthy Affiliate, and good luck with your online marketing!
Excellent article; I especially like how you addressed realistic expectations … not like those misleading emails one is swamped with. Many of those false promises hide the “additional costs” factor…..NOT SO AT WEALTHY AFFILIATE! To me, they are the absolute best there is.
In addition to the false promises that are made, the fact is that so many of them just won’t work to make the money they claim or any money at all! I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the best, which is why they are my #1 recommendation. I’ve had wonderful success with them and hope you are too!
Hi Janelle,
Excellent article! I am an affiliate marketer too and l know that we have to be realistic in our expectations when comes to making money online. It all depends on the niche you are in and the amount of time you put into your online business. Many people fail as they give up easily because affiliate marketing is a long-term business and you won’t become overnight rich.
Be realistic about the process of building an online business, and the realism of a business will take place before your eyes.
Thank you.
Very well said, and I agree completely!
Awesome Information and Great article about how to earn money online. Though Many people are interested to know about this topic they fall to scamming but this site provides real and effective information about digital marketing. thanks for providing this information and easy method. I trust wealthyaffiliate also this site.
Thank you! Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned everything I know, and you’ll never hear them promote their platform by saying you can get rich quick. They make sure you understand the time and effort that goes into making your business a success. That expectation can be the difference between someone pushing through to keep going and someone giving up after a few months!